Monday, February 6, 2017


Every human being, animal, plant and even nowadays some machines have also the ability to learn. So what is learning? And from where we can get learning? Learning is the acquire action of obtaining new, or modifying, knowledge, behaviors, skills, standards, or preferences and may engage synthesizing different types of information.
Different people have different education capabilities and speed.  So there are different learning methods for people. Some people learn better through visually.  Basically visual learning is a style in which a beginner utilizes graphs, charts, maps and diagrams for learning process. Others learn better through auditory. Auditory learning is a learning process in which a anyone learns through listening process. An auditory learner depends on the hearing and speaking so it is considered a main way of learning. So there are different methods to keep the employee engage in their task and get desired results.
  •         Learning ownership: give power to employees and give them rights of their learning so they understand how important what they’re doing is and they better understand their future in this field.
  •         Explain to them the better picture: Show them why it is important to take care of the academic health and what there is in it for them in reward.
  •         Be enthusiastic: Be positive, funny and active in your life create a friendly atmosphere in the organization. If employees see manager as a human being who is on their side and trying to help them out from their difficulties, they saying through a different lens and are more likely to act pay their full attention.
  •        Incentives: Give employees incentives to take a rank and if successfully passing they would receive a reward that can be either financial or for example tickets etc.
  •         Experience/opinion sharing: Discuss different topics. Take employee opinions in different issues. Allow a conversation/ ideas’ sharing meeting.

PeopleQlik is Recruitment software which carry all these things which is consider necessary to keep the employee of the organization's busy in their daily activities and by adopting this software organizations are getting better results and that is why the user of the peopleqlik is increasing day by day over 1500 organizations are using this software because it is friendly user and easily modify according to the needs.

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